To enjoy our server at it's most it's important to understand how it works. Here we'll explain all the commands you can use and how they work.
To say something in the out ouf character chat, use /ooc. To return to the roleplay chat, use /rp.
If you want to whisper or shout a message use /w [message] or /s [message]
To check your persona, do /card
To check someone elses persona, do shift+right click on the player
To edit your persona, do /card and click on the invidual parts to edit them
To send someone a raven, do /bird [player] [message]. This message will travel 20 blocks per second, so it may take some time for it to arrive
To start a countdown, use /countdown [seconds]
To roll a dice, use /roll [number of possiblities]
If you want to return to the spawn, use /spawn
If you want to check your health, use /health
If you want to lock a door/chest/trapdoor etc. use a stick. First right click on the block to select it and then Left click to claim and lock it.
Use /sethome [homename] to create a home at your location. Use /home [homename] to teleport to your home. You can have a max of 3 homes.
Use /t or /msg to send someone a private message. This is only ooc, and can be considered metagaming if used in roleplay.
Use /sit to sit down
Use /money to check yor balance
Use /pay to pay someone money
Use /playershop create [shopname] [slots] to create a shop
Use /playershop addItem [shopname] [itemname] [slot] [amount] [sellprice] [buyprice] to add an item to your shop. These item must be refilled by hand.
Use /playershop removeItem [shopname] [slot] to remove an item.
Use /playershop move [shopname] to move your shop to your location.
Use /playershop delete [shopname] to delete your shop