We of SIF want you to have the best roleplay possible. That’s why we assigned staff members to help you all out with your problems. We devided our staff into a couple of teams, to make things more clear for everyone. Every team is specialised in one task, so if you need a specific staff member, just ask. Some staff members are in multiple teams, and you can ask those for any of the matters they’re specialised in.


Development team

The developmemt team goes over the server plug-ins and the websites. They try their best to create the best plug-ins, and the most suitable website, and maintain it. As a player you won’t have much to do with the developmemt team, but if you have tips to improve our plug-ins or websites you can always let us know.

Moderation team

The moderation team is the team you as a player will have the most contact with. They make sure everything and everyone Goes and plays according to the rules, but also try to help you if you have any question on the server, or need help with things.

Builder team

The builder team consist out of the people who build the map. All cities, fortresses and mansions are built by them. If a player needs help with building themselves, they can always ask any member of the building team.

Lore team

The lore team are the people who know the lore that is used in the server, and choose what is allowed and what not, lore-wise. If a new piece of lore is introduced, for instance by a main event, they’re the ones who make it. Also, the lore teams host events. Small events can be hosted by players as well, but the lore team are the only ones who are allowed to host the bigger events.

Application team

The application team reviews all of your applications. They help to get new players started on the server as well, and they can help you with any matter on the server itself. 

How can I became staff?

Every player gets the chance to apply as staff member. You need to fill in an application, which you can find down here. When the application is filled in and accepted, you’ll get an interview. This means the most important staff members will ask you a couple of questions you need to answer. This will happen in our discord server. If we think you suit our talents, we’ll accept you as staff member. 

Here is a list of the current staff members

Staff member Staff team(s) Discord
koningbas03 Builder, Lore, Development Bassieboy03#7597
Sawona Builder Saw#1299
Aperiony Builder Eelis#8992
ComicD Builder Comic D#5274
MichaelJackson03 Builder, Application B-b-min#2314
_AquaticWolf_ Builder, Apllication AquaticWolf#1941
Tom_SW Development Tom_sw#1662